Tuesday, October 16, 2007

In the past couple of weeks

I have completed 3 pairs of socks, one for each of the girls, a soft and fuzzy ear flap hat with a pompom, a striped bonnet, and a little more work has been done on the hoodie.

I tackled several different things I had yet to try in these projects, including changing and carrying colors on the striped bonnet, and turning a heel on the socks!

For my next project, I'd like to try something with more of a pattern, maybe a lace shawl, or some patterned socks.

Still need to get some pictures posted as well!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Decided to start my very own knitting blog

Because all the cool kids are doing it, and because I really want to keep track of the projects I am tackling.

Tonight I started my very first pair of socks from the pattern here:


I will post a picture with a bit of my progress soon :)

Also on my needles:

A purple jumper on circular needles
A hoodie for my daughter from Knit Two Together
A traditional ribbed knit hat that is destined to be ripped apart soon because the dpns I chose weren't long enough